food pantry

The Leesburg Methodist Church Food Pantry provides canned and dry foods to those in need in Lee County. The mission has grown tremendously. The pantry serves around 3,000 Lee Countians each year.

The Food Pantry is open each Wednesday from 9:30am until 11:30am.  It is located adjacent to the Fellowship Hall.  Volunteers are needed to greet people, listen to their needs, pray for them and with them, bag groceries, and to distribute groceries. We also deliver in special circumstances.

We have special Saturday Food Missions about six times a year.  These target the elderly who need help.  Saturday missions begin at 10am. Bags are packed the day before the mission. Volunteers are needed to bag groceries and distribute them.

As our Food Mission has grown, we have come to know so many people in our community. We have been able to give them love and support, and we have been able to share the love of God with them.

Contributions, both food and monetary, come from our church and the community. Our local schools have food drives which contribute greatly. Local clubs and other churches help also.

Volunteers and donations are welcomed. Please click here to give and when prompted, select Food Pantry Fund. Thanks!


Rocky and Patti Wiggins


Clothes Closet

The Leesburg Methodist Church Clothes Closet Ministry offers gently used clothes and shoes for adults, children, and infants who are in need. Our purpose is to not only offer assistance to our neighbors but to offer the love of Christ to them as we serve our Lord by serving others.


The clothes closet is located in the Fellowship Hall building and is open on Wednesday mornings from 9:30am to 11:30am and on announced Saturday mornings.

Donations are accepted on Sundays or Wednesdays or at the church office during regular office hours. Volunteers are needed and welcomed on Wednesdays by assisting those who come to the closet and by helping to sort and hang clothes. For more information, contact the church office or Karlyn Powell.


Karlyn Powell

(229) 886-3508